Easy Upholstered Bench DIY

Furry benches have been on trend for a while, and for good reason; they are the perfect blend of chic style and soft, cozy vibes! But they can also be expensive, which is why Material Curls came up with the easiest way to DIY upholster your own faux fur bench. No sewing, no complication, and you can customize your bench to fit perfectly with your home and style – all with Aleene’s DIY Craft Fabric & Vinyl Adhesive.

What you need:
- Aleene’s DIY Craft Fabric & Vinyl Adhesive
- Bench (an old one that needs upcycling is perfect)
- Faux fur fabric – enough to cover your bench 
- Foam cushion
- Batting
- Fabric scissors
- Heavy-duty stapler

Step 1 Bench upholstery supplies

If you have an old bench or snagged one at a yard sale or discount store, you are already ahead of the game! You can also easily and affordably make your own using a 2 x 4 and a piece of plywood like Material Curls. Once you upholster it, no one will know you didn’t buy it at a high-end store!

Step 2 Add glue to top of bench

When you are ready to get started, cut your fabric, foam and batting. The foam should be the exact size of your bench seat, while the fabric and batting should be at least 2 inches longer so you can wrap it underneath. Then add a thin line of Fabric & Vinyl Adhesive around the top edge of your bench, and a few lines in the middle. Tip from Material Curls: less is more! You don’t need a ton of adhesive because it has strong holding power already!

Step 3 Press foam in place on top of glue

Press and smooth the foam in place on top of the glue.

Step 4 Layer batting and fabric on top of bench

Layer your batting, then the furry fabric on top of the foam on your bench.

Step 5 Add glue to underside of bench

For an easier time securing the layers of fabric, flip your bench over and make sure its centered on the fabric. Add glue around the perimeter of the underside of the seat and press the batting and furry fabric in place. You might need to trim excess fabric to fold and fit around the corners and the legs. Use a few staples on each edge to help hold the fabric taught while the glue dries.

Step 6 Aleenes Upholstered Faux Fur Bench

Once the glue has completely dried, its time to try out your newly upholstered faux fur bench. Add some cute pillows or a throw, then sit down and admire your work! Tag us on social using #aleenesdiy to show us how you upholstered your own bench with Aleenes!

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