DIY Custom Bridal Jacket with Fabric Glue

Something old, something new, something borrowed and something GLUED! Add some sparkle to an already very special day by creating a custom bridal jacket. This simple DIY tutorial from Oh Yay Studio will show you how to use Aleene’s Fabric Fusion to make your own gorgeous no-sew bridal jacket with sequins and Puff Paint! This cute craft is also a great gift for wedding showers, bachelorette parties, or even for the entire bridal party!

What you need:

Step 1 Lay jacket flat and measure

Lay the bridal jacket onto a solid surface and smooth the fabric to be as flat as possible. Measure the portion of the back of the jacket that you want to add sequin lettering to. Avoid placing the lettering too close to the edge of the back of the jacket. With a pencil or fabric marker, sketch out the lettering so that you have a loose guide to follow.

Step 2 Lay out sequin strand

Begin to lay out the letting with one long strand of sequins. For best results, try to keep the sequins flat against the bridal jacket. It also helps to leave a little excess at the endyou can always trim this later!

Step 3 Use Fabric Fusion to secure sequin strand in place

Beginning at one end of the lettering, slowly lift the strand and begin tacking it down with the Fabric Fusion glue. Apply the glue directly to the back of the sequin strand using the sponge-tip applicator and press firmly to secure to the bridal jacket. 

Step 4 (optional): Add a second layer of sequins

If desired, you can add a second layer of sequins to make the lettering appear thicker just repeat step 3! Skip this step if you prefer a daintier look to your custom bridal jacket. 

Step 5 Custom bridal jacket with sequins and Puff Paint

Its time to add some finishing touches to your bridal jacket! Use white Puff Paint to create dimensional floral designs. You can also add names, dates, or any other unique customizations for this one-of-a-kind DIY. Allow the glue and paint to dry completely, then this gorgeous denim bridal jacket is ready to wear!

Will you be using Aleenes Glues to make a custom bridal jacket this wedding season? Show us your creative DIY projects and tag us on social media @AleenesDIY!