Furry Friends Christmas Ornaments with Felt Glue

Include your pets in this year’s festivities when you make these adorable ornaments with Aleene’s Felt & Foam Tacky Glue! Learn how to create felt ornaments that look just like your favorite furry friends with this tutorial from Oh Yay Studio. Whether you’re using them to decorate the tree or as a gift tag, any animal lover will love this cute craft!

What you need:

  • Aleene's Felt & Foam Tacky Glue
  • Felt in various colors
  • Scissors
  • Fabric marker or chalk
  • Ribbon or string
  • Fiberfill (optional)
  • Printed pattern/template

Step 1 - Cut pieces of felt 

Using sharp scissors, cut felt into pieces to match your pet’s coat colors and features. You’ll need to create your pup’s head, ears, snout, nose, and paw. If using a printed out template, trace the pattern onto felt with chalk or fabric marker prior to cutting.

Step 2 - glue pieces together Glue pieces of felt together to create the dogs face.

Begin to glue the features onto the front of the dogs face using Aleenes Felt & Foam Tacky Glue. Apply glue to each piece, then press to adhere pieces together. Allow to set for at least one hour or until completely dry. 

Step 3 - add the features on the dog face Cut out a backing for the completed face.

Once the face is dry, lay it over top of another piece of colorful felt for the backing. Trace around the completed face to get the exact size of the backing, then cut accordingly. Cut a piece of ribbon or string for hanging.

Step 4 - add the backing of the ornament Assemble the ornament with glue.

Begin assembling the ornament. Start by running a bead of Felt & Foam Tacky Glue around the outer edge of the backing piece, then lay a piece of fiber fill stuffing inside the glued edge (if desired). Put the piece of ribbon or string in a loop near the top of the head, then lay the pup face on top of everything. Press down the edges to adhere the whole thing together, adding more glue to secure if necessary.

Step 5 - add stuffing inside the layers Completed Pug and Labrador felt ornaments

Once your ornament is completely dry, you're done! These adorable animals look so cute on the Christmas tree and make a great gift tag for any dog lover, too!

What other holiday decorations will you make with Aleenes Glues? Show us your festive creations on social media @AleenesDIY