Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough

Did you know that you can make dough from bread? Like literally from a slice of bread!? These Mexican sweet bread inspired Christmas ornaments are super easy to make, starting with a slice of white bread and Aleene's Tacky Glue. You can use these as individual ornaments or you can string them together to make a really fun and colorful festive garland of all of your favorite pan dulce. Let's get started ...

What you need:
  • Aleene's Original Tacky Glue
  • Slice of white bread
  • Acrylic paint (for colored clay)
  • Plastic bags
  • Toothpick
  • Gold twine
  • Scissors

Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough

Remove the crust from the bread.

Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Tear the bread into little pieces. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Place the bread inside of a plastic bag. Add a Tablespoon of Aleene's Tacky Glue. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Squish the Tacky Glue with the bread inside of the bag to mix it together well. Add a drop of acrylic paint to the bread and glue mixture to give it color. You'll need to mix 4 bags of bread for the yellow base of the concha Mexican sweet bread. And you'll need to mix a second bag of bread dough with pink or brown paint to make the sugar decoration that goes on top on the concha. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Once you've completely mixed the bread dough with the paint, it's time to make the Mexican sweet bread inspired ornaments. Create the pan dulce shapes with the bread dough just like regular dough.  Roll the dough into a ball. Then flatten into the round, domed concha shape.
Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Make a small ball of the "topping" and flatten.  Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Cut into strips and add them to the top of each concha shape. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough If you're going to hang the ornaments, then make a small hole at the top with a toothpick. If you're going to string the ornaments together to make a garland, then put a small hole on either side of the sweet breads for the string to go through. Set these aside to dry overnight. Turn them over in the morning so the backs can dry thoroughly for another few hours. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Once the ornaments are dry you can hang them on the tree with a piece of gold twine or string them together as a garland with a longer piece of ribbon. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Tie the gold twine into a knot on the ends to make a hanger. Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough Hang on your tree and enjoy! Mexican Sweet Bread Christmas Ornaments with Tacky Glue Bread Dough