DIY Couples Costume: Love Letter and Mailman

No need to return this DIY couples costume to sender; it’s just way too cute! You’ll have hearts in your eyes over this Love Letter & Mailman duo from Mikyla Creates, with no sewing needed thanks to Aleene’s Quick Dry Fabric Fusion. So grab your glue and felt, and get ready to deliver the sweetest DIY couples costume your friends and family have ever seen this Halloween! Signed, sealed, delivered!

What you need:
Aleene’s Quick Dry Fabric Fusion
- White T-shirt dress
- Felt – white, red, pink, blue 
- Scissors
- Black fabric marker
- Pencil
- Ruler
- White elastic
- Light blue collared shirt
- Navy shorts
- Navy ball cap
- Messenger bag
- Stamp template (download from this post)

Step 1 Trace stamp pattern onto white felt

To get started on the Love Letter Costume, first print and cut out the stamp pattern from this post. Trace the stamp pattern onto white felt and cut out.

Step 2 Trace and cut out heart and rectangle

Trace the heart onto red felt and the rectangle onto pink felt, then cut each out.

Step 3 Glue heart and rectangle onto stamp cutout

Center and glue the pink rectangle onto the white stamp cutout, then glue the red heart in the center of the pink rectangle. Let dry.

Step 4 Cut out red and blue felt rectangles

Measure and cut out 2-inch wide by 6-inch long rectangles from red and blue felt. Line up your rectangle strips tilted at an angle as shown along the bottom edge of your dress hem, with the left corners extending past the hem. This will give you a better idea of how to cut them to fit the dress.

Step 5 Mark ends of red and blue felt strips with pencil

Mark each rectangle along the bottom where the dress hem aligns, using your ruler to help guide you. Measure about 4 inches up from the hem and mark each strip of felt along the 4-inch line as well.

Step 6 Cut off ends of strips

Cut off the ends of your rectangle strips along the tops and bottoms where marked.

Step 7 Glue strips in place with Quick Dry Fabric Fusion

Glue each strip in place on the bottom of the dress using Quick Dry Fabric Fusion. Glue the felt postage stamp on its side parallel to the strips, with the top of the stamp oriented close to the right side of the dress.

Step 8 Draw 3 straight lines under stamp

Use your ruler and fabric marker to create 3 horizontal straight lines on the dress underneath the stamp. 

Step 9 Create a vertical line next to horizontal lines

Create a vertical line to the left side of the 3 horizontal lines.

Step 10 Write name and address

Write out a cute name and address on the lines underneath the stamp.

Step 11 Write out love note

Write out a sweet love note on the other side of the vertical line, like you would do on a postcard.

Step 12 Create headband

Cut a small rectangle and triangle from the white felt, making sure the base edge of the triangle matches the long side of the rectangle. Glue in place to create an envelope with a flap, then glue a small red heart as the envelope seal over the point of the flap. Glue onto a piece of elastic to create a headband.

Step 13 Love Letter Costume

And the Love Letter part of your DIY couples costume is now complete! 

Step 14 Cut out rectangles and triangles

The other half of your DIY couples costume is the Mailman! Create and cut out 3 rectangles, as well as 3 triangles with the bottom edges the same length as the rectangles. Glue the triangles to the rectangles to create envelopes with flaps.

Step 15 Glue felt envelopes onto mailman costume

Cut out 3 small red hearts to create seals for the envelopes and glue in place over the points of the flaps. Glue one onto the ball cap, one on the shirt, and the last one onto the messenger bag. Let dry completely. 

Step 16 Love Letter Pet Costume

Repeat creating a love letter envelope and attaching to elastic if you have a pet you want to include in your DIY couples costume set! How PAWSITIVELY adorable!

Step 17 Love Letter & Mailman DIY Couples Costume

This is one DIY couples costume everyone will fall in love with this Halloween! What costumes are you making this year with Aleenes Glues? Tag us on social using @aleenesdiy and let us know!