True Snow Wood Angels DIY

Holiday decor doesn't have to be complicated to be beautiful. What we love most about this set of wood angels is how easy they are to make, and the simple, rustic charm they'll add to any space. With just a few supplies like chopped wood pieces, cardboard and a combo of Aleene's True Snow and The Ultimate Multi-Surface Adhesive, your Christmas decorations will be a little more heavenly in no time. 

What you need:
Aleene's The Ultimate Multi-Surface Adhesive
Aleene's True Snow (regular or glitter)
- Chopped wood pieces
- Foam ball(s)
- Wood pegs/wood sticks
- Drill
- Real or faux greenery for halos
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Palette knife/plastic knife

Aleene's Wood Angel Supplies

Make sure wood pieces are chopped to desired size. Pieces can be rough, as shown here, or rounded. It's totally your preference! Once you have your wood pieces, drill a hole the size of your wood pegs/sticks in the top center. This is where you will place the angel's head.

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - apply glue to wood peg

Make sure wood peg/stick is cut to the length you would like the angel's neck to be. Apply The Ultimate Multi-Surface Adhesive to one end of the wood stick/peg. 

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - insert peg into foam ball

Wait 2 minutes for glue to start curing, then insert into base of foam ball. 

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - insert peg into wood

Apply The Ultimate to other end of peg, let set for 2 minutes then press into drilled hole in wood base. Let dry completely.

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - apply True Snow to foam ball

Using a palette knife or plastic knife, spread True Snow over entire foam ball. Let dry.

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - apply True Snow to wings

Draw wings on a piece of cardboard and cut out. Apply True Snow to both sides, letting dry after applying to each side.

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - apply glue to wings

Once True Snow on wings has dried, apply a line of The Ultimate down the center of wings. 

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - glue wings to wood base

Press the wings in place on the backside of the wood piece and let dry. Tip: Dry flat so weight of wood piece helps hold in place until completely dry.

Aleene's True Snow Wood Angel - glue halo to head

Cut greenery to fit around top of head like a halo, then glue in place with The Ultimate. Let dry, then enjoy!