No-Sew Kid's Captain Marvel Costume

What's cooler than dressing up in a Captain Marvel costume this Halloween? Nothing! But before you run out and spend a small fortune on a store-bought costume for your little one, read this post to see how easy it is to make your own no-sew kid's Captain Marvel costume with Aleene's® Fabric Fusion and Tulip® ColorShot Instant Fabric Color. Our super creative friend Vanessa Brady over at Tried & True gives the details on how she created this fantastic superhero costume.

What you need:
Aleene's Fabric Fusion
Tulip ColorShot Instant Fabric Color (red and blue)
- White pajama set
- Non-fraying gold fabric
- Freezer paper
- Iron
- Red boots (you can paint a pair of boots/shoes if you don't have red ones)
- Red T-shirt (optional)
- Scissors
- Captain Marvel star pattern
- Old paintbrush
- Plastic surface cover

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Make sure the pajama set is washed and dried (without fabric softener) for best results. Since you'll be using fabric spray paint, you'll also want to make sure to cover the area you are working on with a disposable plastic surface cover.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Use the Captain Marvel star pattern to create the V shape on a piece of freezer paper (non-wax side) and cut with scissors or a craft knife. Iron the bottom portion waxy side down onto the shirt just under the chest area as shown, including the sleeves so the shoulders and bottom portions of sleeves are exposed. Cover all areas of shirt you do not want painted with the first spray paint color.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Spray several light coats of red ColorShot onto the top part of shirt and the bottoms of sleeves, letting dry between coats. (Don't forget the back side!) When you are happy with the coverage, remove the freezer paper.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Next you'll want to cover over the areas of the shirt you sprayed red to protect from blue overspray. Iron the other parts of the freezer paper pattern over the red sections.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Repeat spraying blue ColorShot over the exposed bottom portion of shirt. Remove the freezer paper when dry.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Use the Captain Marvel star logo pattern to create and cut the design from gold fabric. Make sure to cut enough to fit around the back of shirt as well.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

For gluing the gold fabric design onto the shirt, grab a bottle of Fabric Fusion and an old paintbrush if you have one.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Squeeze some Fabric Fusion onto the backside of the gold fabric piece and use an old paintbrush to spread glue evenly to the outer edges. Press in place along the V shape design on shirt.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Repeat adding glue to star and gluing in place.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

If you can't find red boots, you can paint a pair. Make sure to use a paint that works on the material of the shoe.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Optional: to create a red sash, cut a section of fabric from the bottom of a red T-shirt.

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

See how easy it is to turn your super tot into a superhero?!

Aleene's No-Sew Captain Marvel Costume

Your little Captain Marvel is ready to save Halloween!