Rolled Paper Flower Vase Technique with Tacky Glue

Some of Aleene’s earliest DIYs were “junk crafts”— turning trash into treasure! Join us in embracing our roots with this eco-friendly recycled paper craft. This tutorial will show you how to create a rolled paper vase with old magazines, an empty paper food container, Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue, and Tacky Glue sticks. Complete your upcycled paper project with COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint in Heads or Tails for an elegant, shiny silver finish!

Supplies Needed:

Supplies needed for rolled paper flower vase

Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue

Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue Sticks

COLORSHOT Premium Spray Paint in Heads or Tails


Paper food container

Rubber bands

White rubber tubing


Drop cloth

Step 1: Roll paper from magazine pages

Roll paper from magazine pages

Carefully tear a page from your magazine and lay it flat on your work surface. Place a pencil horizontally on the corner and begin rolling the paper upward, keeping the paper taut as you go. 

Step 2: Apply Tacky Glue Stick to rolled paper

Apply Tacky Glue Stick to rolled paper

Appy Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue Stick to the recycled paper as you roll upward. Be sure to cover the edges and corners with glue as you finish each piece of rolled paper. 

Step 3: Repeat to create more rolled paper

Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create more rolled paper

Remove the pencil from your rolled paper and repeat steps 1 and 2 to create enough rolled paper to cover the outside of your paper food container.

Step 4: Glue rolled paper onto food container

Glue rolled paper onto food container

Apply a thin line of Tacky Glue vertically across your paper food container, then gently press a piece of rolled paper onto the glue. Use scissors to trim the recycled paper to fit the height of your container. Repeat this process until your container is completely covered with the rolled paper. 

Step 5: Wrap with rubber bands to secure while drying  

Wrap the rolled paper with rubber bands to secure while drying

Once all the rolled paper has been glued to the container, use rubber bands to secure the recycled paper into place while the glue dries. 

Step 6: Spray paint and cut rubber tubing

Spray paint the rolled paper flower vase and cut rubber tubing

To give this recycled paper craft a luxurious look, we’re spray painting it with COLORSHOT in Heads or Tails. Take your rolled paper flower vase to a well-ventilated area, cover your workspace with a drop cloth, and apply the spray paint in smooth, even strokes. Allow the paint to dry to the touch before applying additional coats as desired, then let the paint cure completely for 24 hours. While the spray paint is curing, cut the rubber tubing into roughly 3-inch segments. 

Step 7: Insert rubber tubing to create a scalloped edge 

Insert rubber tubing to create a scalloped edge

We’re using the rubber tubing to create a scalloped edge on this rolled paper flower vase! Place one end of rubber tubing into the opening of the rolled paper, skip one, and insert the other end into the next piece of rolled paper. Repeat this process to fill the openings of each piece of rolled paper on the top and bottom of your vase. 

Step 8: Display your rolled paper flower vase!

Rolled paper flower vase technique with Tacky Glue

Once all the tubing is added, your rolled paper flower vase is ready to enjoy! This recycled paper craft isn’t waterproof, so try using dried flowers or faux foliage for your display. If fresh flowers are a must, place a waterproof vessel inside before arranging your flowers. 

How will you use Aleene’s for recycled paper crafts? Try making your own rolled paper vase with Tacky Glue and tag us on social media @aleenesDIY! 

Celebrate 75 years of creativity with Tacky Glue! Check out these links and get ready for your next project with Aleene’s!